We believe giving back moves us forward

At Premier Foundation we understand the importance of giving back to the community and therefore each year we invest a tremendous amount of time, effort, and resources into giving back to the community!

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An effort to give back to the community!

The Premier Foundation understands the importance of giving back to the community and are constantly looking for ways to contribute to the betterment of the planet!

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NIMS Hospital: Epilepsy Treatment Facility

On June 30th 2024, the Premier Foundation donated upwards of 2 crore 10 lakh ruppess to NIMS Hospital in Hyderabad. This amount will be used solely to setup an epilepsy treatment facility as well as a creche facility at NIMS. The epilepsy treatment facility is set to significantly have a life-changing impact on over 250 children living in the area every single day. In collaboration with NIMS Hospital and the Lake District of Moinabad Rotary Club, the Premier Foundation has purchased 17 machines to aid the treatment of children in Hyderabad.

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NIMS Hospital: Creche Facility

On June 30th 2024, the Premier Foundation donated upwards of 2 crore 10 lakh ruppess to NIMS Hospital in Hyderabad. This amount will be used solely to setup a creche facility as well as an epilepsy treatment facility on the premises of NIMS. The creche facility established in collaboration with NIMS Hospital and the Lake District of Moinabad Rotary Club has a capacity to house between 100 and 200 children at once and is set to have a substantial impact on the lives of parents and children in the area that are able to use this facility free of charge. To live track the usage of this facility the Premier Foundation has also set up a creche dashboard in order to ensure that the facility is fulfilling its purpose of helping children and parents in Hyderabad.

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SriBanta Govt School: Solar Rooftop Grid

On 26th March, 2024, the Premier Foundation donated upwards of 17 lakh ruppess for establishing an 18KWp Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Grid Connected Power Plant at the SriBanta Govt High School School in Jaipur, Odisha, India with an aim to supply uninterrupted power to the smart classroom program of the school for facilitating the education of its students.

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These featured projects only showcase a glimpse of all the work undertaken by the Premier Foundation in the past few years. Click on the button below to view more of our projects!

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Aarnav Singh


Premier Foundation has truly changed lives in our community. Their support and dedication are unmatched.

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Akshat Kumar


Thanks to Premier Foundation, I was able to access resources that helped me start my own business.

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Uday Pilani


Collaborating with Premier Foundation has been a rewarding experience. Their commitment to the community is inspiring.

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Chiranjeev Saluja


Donating to Premier Foundation has been a fulfilling way to give back. They ensure every contribution makes an impact.

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Sathvik Reddy


Volunteering with Premier Foundation has been a life-changing experience. Their mission is truly noble.

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Visannya Saluja

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Being part of a community supported by Premier Foundation has brought hope and positive change to our lives.

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Our work is often recognized by the industry. We have won numerous awards for our work and have been featured in several industry leading publications.

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Premier Foundation contributed over $250,000 to NIMS Hospital!

The Premier Foundation has been a long-time supporter of various projects and initiatives. We are proud to announce that we have contributed over $250,000 to various projects in the past year.

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Premier Foundation in collaboration with the Lake District Moinabad Rotary Club to set up a creche facility at NIMS Hospital.

The Premier Foundation in collaboration with the Lake District Moinabad Rotary Club to set up an epilepsy treatment facility at NIMS Hospital.

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The Premier Foundation has donated over 2 crore 10 lakh ruppess to NIMS Hospital to facilitate the construction of an epilepsy treatment facility.

In collaboration with NIMS Hospital, the Premier Foundation was able to set up an epilepsy treatment facility. The facility has a capactity to treat over 200 children everyday!

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